Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Suhakam:Credibility of the courts at stake

KUALA LUMPUR: The credibility of the courts is at stake in the Nizar-Zambry saga, said Suhakam chairman Tan Sri Abu Talib Othman.

“This is a matter of great public importance,” he added.

Abu Talib said Suhakam commissioners had discussed the incident in Perak on May 7 at their monthly meeting on Monday.

“It appears to us that during the incident that occurred at the Perak State Legislative Assembly on May 7, the police and civil service had acted in concert with the government that had assumed power in controversial circumstances, showing complete disregard for human rights.

“Governments may change but those who serve in the police and administration must remain loyal to the wider interest and respect human rights rather than the narrow interest of individuals who form the government of the day.”

He said the May 7 sitting proceeded even though the court was scheduled to sit four days later to determine who was the legitimate Mentri Besar.

He said the pre-emptive proceedings, the motion to sack the legitimate Speaker and his removal from the House and the action of the police caused concern to the people.


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