Saturday, February 14, 2009

Perak assembly to suspend Zambry?

Perak assembly to suspend Zambry?
Syed Jaymal Zahiid | Feb 14, 09 3:31pm
Zambry Abdul Kadir is now facing the possibility of being suspended from the Perak Legislative Assembly following a complaint lodged by a DAP state rep to the speaker yesterday.
State assembly speaker V Sivakumar said today that the BN-appointed menteri besar and his excos have been summoned to face the Committee of Privileges on Wednesday.

“After studying the complaints I received from Canning state assemblyperson Wong Kah Woh, the committee in which I chair has found that there is a prima facie basis for the complaint.

“As such, the committee unanimously decided to refer all seven (Zambry and his excos) to the Committee of Privileges under the House standing order number 72,” Sivakumar told a press conference in his office today.

The speaker said the committee convened a meeting on Thursday. One member, Umno’s Hasbullah Osman, however did not attend.

“He had faxed me a letter saying that he would not be attending. Nevertheless, we have sent out letters to Zambry and six others to face the committee,” said Sivakumar.

Under standing order 72 (3), the committee has the power to summon those found to have violated House regulations and rules

Yesterday, Wong filed a complaint against Zambry accusing him and the BN of taking over the Perak government unconstitutionally.

In his complaint, Wong said he wants Zambry to explain “under which provision of the Perak Constitution do they base their right to form the state government.”

Suspension or expulsion

Given that Pakatan Rakyat has six reps in the seven-member committee, it is likely to find Zambry and company guilty.

The findings of the committee will then be tabled at the state assembly and should Pakatan manage to garner enough support to back the committee’s findings, Zambry and his excos may be punished with suspension or even expulsion.

However, Sivakumar said it is still too early to make such conclusions.

“What is most important right now is I want to inform that Zambry and six others will be referred to the committee after I found the complaint made by YB Wong to have a strong basis.

Asked if action would be taken against Zambry and the six, Sivakumar said it was not up to the committee to decide as it has to be tabled in the state assembly first.

“Only the state assembly can decide on what to do with them,” he added.

Sivakumar denied that the action taken against his rivals was a form of ‘counter-attack’.

“What is done is within the rules and regulations. I am just doing my job,” the speaker said.


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